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Here are this week’s must-reads:

+ “I look only at the present, forget the past and am careful never to anticipate the future. When we surrender to discouragement or despair, it is usually because we are thinking too much of the past or the future.” — St. Therese of Lisieux

Someone once told me that thinking about the future can make you feel anxious because the Lord is with us in the present moment, and we don’t have the graces — yet, right now — to handle what the future holds. But that *we will when it becomes the present moment.*

He is always with us. In this moment. And of course, He will always be with us in the next. But all we have with any certainty is right here and now.

+ “(In any season of waiting…) It’s easy to build our hopes up, but building those hopes up over time can create a wall which keeps us in a prison of maybes and what-ifs. The walls of that prison can keep us from seeing the opportunities in our life to serve and love and rejoice today. There are ways to be fruitful and nurturing to those around us right now. We shouldn’t save these gifts for that “maybe some-day.” The world needs you as you are today. Who is God asking you to pour out for today?” — The Joyful Leap

+ “The Lord willed you into existence. He loved you into existence.”

+ “Marriage is hard. It’s two separate people coming together with separate crosses. It’s the unification of these crosses together at the foot of the Altar. …and then the one cross becomes heavier then the first two…and it can only be carried together.” — Leah Darrow

+ “God is fighting for you. In every moment God is doing a thousand glorious things in your life that you cannot see and do not understand, because He is deeply, unimaginably committed to your good. ⁣ Further up and further in we go, always by His grace. ” — Sarah Jackson Panther

+ Mother’s Day & How Mary Stands at the Foot of Our Cross: Mary responds to our heartaches. Like our closest friends, she sits across from us and says, “Me too. I get it. I’ve felt it.” She’s not just sympathetic with our hurting. She is empathetic. She is willing to look at our crosses and to stand with us while we hold it today, just as she did for Jesus… She is at the foot of our cross. She is here to offer us her love, her comfort and her prayers. I hope that this reminder can help lessen the weight on your shoulders today. You are not alone.

+ “Motherhood is not only biological maternity. It is spiritual maternity. There are hundreds of people all around who are desperately looking for a mother. A number of people have come to me to tell me about their problems. I listen to them. And I love them. And I say very little. But they know that I care for them. In this sense, I have become their mother.” – Spiritual Motherhood, Every Woman’s Calling, Alice von Hildebrand

+ “Some women will transmit life physically but all women of faith can be life bearers: Christ-bearers.” – Kathleen Beckman

+ “Once a mom, always a mom, but Mother’s Day can be tough”

+ “Growing up, our parish priest would pray a special blessing on Mother’s Day. He would ask all mothers to stand up for the blessing, but he would add “whether you are a mother to children on earth, in heaven or spiritually, please stand”. As I prepare myself for this weekend, and try to feel through the numbness and decipher my spirit, I have been feeling an extra tug at my heart to honor woman who are spiritual mothers as well. Woman who already love the children they DESIRE to conceive with all their hearts, minds and bodies. Woman who sacrifice their vanity, their comfort, and their gifts to try to bring life to another human being- you are mothers by intention, And you should be honored too. So whether you’re still waiting for yours, grieving the loss of them, or grieving the fact that you are having more right now, just know that you are seen, loved, respected and cherished. And I HONOR you.” — Catherine Lietz

+ Catholic Patron Saints of Fertiliy, Infertility, Miscarriage, and Trying to Conceive //A novena for couples hoping to conceive

+ Lastly, here’s what’s featured in this week’s Catholic Wife, Catholic Life NewsletterI share these every Monday and they always include: two gluten-free recipes, a reflection & prayer based on Sunday’s Mass readings, and links to budget-friendly fashion & home decor.

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