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Here are this week’s must-reads:
+ Kitchen Sink Ministry: “One place I find myself at multiple times a day, a place I used to see as burdensome, has become one of my most favorite places to be. I use this opportunity to pray, count my blessings, or just be quiet & listen to the hum of the home.” — We are the homemakers
+ I have a little corner in our kitchen with just a few small faith-filled reminders. Things that encourage me to pray in that moment, to look up, to take heart & have hope. And I think it makes a difference — to have a spot like this that I see frequently throughout the day. That’s one reason why I love to share about Catholic home decor. It’s not all about beauty and what it looks like to others — it’s more about the impact it has on your heart and soul throughout the day. — see more here
+ “Life doesn’t always lend itself to quiet mornings with coffee in hand and Bible open. Some seasons feel loud, exhausting, and unpredictable—especially when your body is weary or your children need you at all hours of the day (and night). Chronic illness, pregnancy, postpartum recovery, and the demands of motherhood can make a “traditional quiet time” feel almost impossible!
“But the beautiful truth is that abiding in Christ is not confined to a perfect morning routine or a three-step formula. Jesus never said, “Come to me, all you who have a quiet house and a calm mind.” He simply said, “Come to me, all who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.” — Wholehearted quiet time
Here’s a look at what’s featured in this week’s newsletter. Almost everything’s under $60. Sign up for it HERE – and you’ll also get access to last year’s best-sellers!

+ What going to weddings is like years after you’ve been married — loved this post: “As I looked at them, I couldn’t help but wonder at the life before these newlyweds: the adventures, joys and sorrows. At the same time, the 10 years of my own marriage were before me, just as I remember who I was standing in that place of innocence and “not knowing” a decade before.
To witness an exchange of vows, and not just remember our own vows but KNOW in a new way what those vows meant and still mean. Seeing now part of what it “cost”, I felt a new and deeper gratitude for our own marriage, and for my spouse.”
+ “God first creates the man, then remarks, “It is not good for the man to be alone. I will make a helper suited to him.” This affirms what we already know instinctively: Human beings are made for relationship. We cannot flourish without love… So why is Eve called Adam’s “helper” — because she is supposed to cook and clean for him? In fact, the Bible uses the word “helper” most often for God himself (see, for example, Psalms 54:6). The woman is the man’s helper because she helps him fulfill the deepest purpose of his life: to give himself in love. They both help each other realize that the very meaning of their existence is to be a gift… Marriage is a holy, God-given vocation, meant to be the earthly image of the love between God and his people.” — Dr. Mary Healy
+ “Married people: Limit your time with women who complain about their husbands and men who can’t stand their wives.” — Trey Morgan
+ “Imagine my (annoyance) when the prayer “For a Woman Praying for Her Husband” didn’t seem to be about him at all. Instead it primarily focused on praying for my own holiness. “No, thank you.” I prefer pointing fingers, honestly. But when it comes right down to it, it’s almost like the only person’s holiness and growth in virtue I can control is, well, my own. And I’ve got work to do. So here I am. Praying this prayer…” — According to Bridget
+ “Marriage is a (great) instrument of sanctification. How would you ever learn unconditional love if you were married to someone who met all the conditions? How would you ever learn mercy, patience, long-suffering, heart-felt compassion if you were married to someone who never failed you? Who is never difficult with you? … How would you ever learn grace, to pour out your favor on someone who did not deserve it, if you were married to someone who was always deserving of all good things? The main purpose of marriage is that through your marriage you both become conformed to the image of Jesus.” — Paul Washer
+ “Life is not found in seeking our own happiness, nor is it found in pursuing your dreams. Life is found in Jesus…” — T.B. LaBerge
+ “It’s no coincidence that Jesus’ primary metaphors for ministry were not soldiers, hunters or builders, but shepherds, farmers, and fishermen. The humility. The unpredictability. The chaos. The waiting. None of it means we failed. This is just what faithfulness looks like.” — Sharon Hodde Miller
+ “Our only desire and our one choice should be this: I want and I choose what better leads to God’s deepening life in me.” — St. Ignatius of Loyola
+ “Our lives are stories God is writing and the plot is always moving forward.” — Hope heals
+ “We take up our cross daily and follow Him. It’s not a onetime decision. We must make the self-offering every morning and renew it with every action of the body and every motion of the heart and mind.” — Scott Hahn
Here are the Fashion Finds this week: