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Advent is one of my favorite seasons of the year! I like to start Advent by looking to the Annunciation, where I’m reminded of what my posture should look like throughout this season (and all of my life): one of availability & receptivity to the sometimes surprising Word of God. To His will in my life.

I also like to try to incorporate more silence into this season, which seems to be so full-to-the-brim, so loud already because of logistics of end-of-the-year everything. It’s there that we can listen to God, learn of His will for our lives, and receive clarity.

And this Advent, I’m focusing on growing closer to Christ through His different names — His identity. I’ve felt called to learn more about the Lord in this particular way — I wonder how you have felt called to grow closer to Him…

Jesus wants a relationship with us, and we want it too — whether we realize that or not. Our hearts yearn for that intimate communion that only a relationship with Him can bring.

And in relationship with Him, we can learn about who He is, who we are, what He wills for our lives, and how we can say yes to that — how we can offer our own Fiats.

With all this in mind, I wanted to share one of the talks from The Pray More Advent Retreat with you. This one’s by Stacey Sumereau:

Using the Blessed Mother as our model, let’s strive at every turn in the road when we feel overwhelmed, stressed, unsure of what’s coming next, or maybe just confused, to say yes to God, to say “God, I trust You. Please show me the love in Your heart.”

“And, ultimately, what we will gain by cooperating with God’s will is a relationship with Him. More than your job, your… any part of your life, your accomplishments, God wants you. He wants to be with you. And so His plan for you is not just an itinerary, it’s a relationship. It’s a relationship with love itself, which is going to start in this life and continue all the way into heaven. So let’s just keep that in mind in this Advent season, that God wants to be with you eternally, and that’s why He’s coming this Christmas.”

You can sign up for the Pray More Advent Retreat here.