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Hi friends, here are this week’s must-reads! Be sure to scroll down to the bottom of the post to check out some things I shared in this week’s Catholic Wife, Catholic Life Newsletter! I share this newsletter every Monday and it always includes two gluten-free recipes, a reflection & prayer based on Sunday’s Mass Readings (this week, it’s about why Jesus’ suffering was necessary — and how ours might be too), and links to budget-friendly fashion & home decor. 🌸🌸🌸
+ The next novena we’re praying together over at Pray More Novenas is the Mary, Undoer of Knots Novena! We start on Friday, May 1st.
+ “Along with showing us how to die, we know from Christ’s example that this patient endurance does not go unrewarded. Just as Jesus was “made perfect” by what he suffered (Heb. 5:9) and was able to rise again and be seated at God’s right hand, so shall we be purified through our own sufferings united to the Cross of Christ, and share in his eternal glory in heaven. The Word of God is clear: we must pick up our own crosses and follow Jesus. In fact, Christ goes so far as to tell us that if we do not do this, we are not worthy of the kingdom of heaven.” — Chelsea Zimmerman
+ “An unfulfilled vocation is painful, but a fulfilled vocation brings its own sorrows. Life is both sorrowful and joyful regardless of one’s state in life. For many women, the realization that they will never marry, or at least will not marry in time to have children, will be painful. I write to remind them that life is still good, to encourage those who love them to make a place for them in our communities, and to help them remember that God’s plans for us are often different from—and better than—our own.” — Carisa Mulder
+ How the Light of Mary Can Lead Us Out of Darkness
+ My sweet lady. Her feet are usually covered by simple shoes but Mary probably didn’t own nice shoes. The thought occurred to me (as I was painting) to place her feet in the position of a crucified Christ while she was seated on the donkey. Her motherhood was her cross and her glory. It was the seven swords of sorrow that pierced her heart and the twelve stars on the crown that would be placed on her head -all at the same time. Motherhood is like this.” — Elizabeth Zelasko
+ “You can be grateful and also grieving”
+ “Jesus brings peace to those in lockdown, he wants to calm our hearts and ease our worries. He knows we are afraid and offers to us his peace. All we need to do is accept his gift of peace into our closed and locked hearts. That is one thing we need to open during times of isolation. Our hearts need to open wide to his love and peace, allowing Jesus to dwell within it, reassuring us that he is in control, no matter what is happening outside in the world.” — Philip Kosloski
🌸Here are some pictures of what’s included in this week’s Catholic Wife, Catholic Life Newsletter! 🌸