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Here are this week’s must-reads:

+ “Everyone in this room is carrying the cross, and most of the time it’s hidden and we don’t perceive it in one another. But there is no suffering that any one of us experiences that Jesus is not living, feeling and suffering with us. Your suffering has meaning and it’s not for nothing. And God’s plan are at work 100% of the time. Jesus defeated death and rose that we might hold out in hope — that there’s a same resurrection that will take place in our lives as well.” — Sr. Mary Grace

+ “When you invoke St. Joseph, you don’t have to say much. Say, ‘If you were in my place, St. Joseph, what would you do? Well, pray for this on my behalf.'” (St. Andre Bessette)

Today’s the feast day of St. Andre Bessette, a 20-th century French-Canadian lay brother who had a strong devotion to St. Joseph.

Many healings have been credited to St. Andre and his intercessory prayers to St. Joseph. And interestingly enough, when Andre wanted to join the Holy Cross Brothers in Canada, they weren’t impressed by him and didn’t think he had much to offer… He eventually was given the job to open the doors at their monastery — which he took seriously. And as people started speaking with him on their way in and out, they would ask him to pray for them, and miracles would occur.

Like St. Joseph, Andre said “yes” to how God was working in his life. And he was faithful to what was right in front of him. To the work he was asked to do and to the people that he came across in that work.

An inspiration & reminder to be faithful to how God appears among those closest to us within our vocation and daily lives.

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+ Pope Benedict talking about St. Andre Bessette: “For him, everything spoke of God and of God’s presence.” For St. André, it wasn’t about asking God to remove an obstacle, but for the grace to endure that obstacle, accepting it as if it was from the hand of God.”

+ “‘Bethlehem’ means house of bread. The Eucharist is prefigured at the first Christmas. It’s the same body of the same Christ. And when the magi — those three wise men from the East later entered the house and worshipped Him, that was the first Eucharistic adoration. It’s the same body of Christ.” (Kevin Heider)

+ He gives us every grace, every abundant grace; and though we are so weak, this grace is able to carry us through every obstacle and difficulty.” (St. Elizabeth Ann Seton)

+ God’s answers may not seem like the answers we were hoping or praying for, but we know He hears us and He loves us. There may be some mystery as to what He’s doing and why, but He hears us and He loves us. Always go back to that. — read here

+ “His “yes” to someone else is a big and beautiful “yes,” but the LAST thing it is is a “no” to you. It’s not who He is. So lift up your eyes and keep those palms open. Something good is coming. And if you’re having a hard time believing that, we will hold hope together.” — Rev Well

+ “His accompanying presence is guaranteed, all the way – even through the darkest shadows – to the house of the Lord.” A Lamp Unto My Feet

+ Blessed are they who see beautiful things in humble places where other people see nothing. ~Camille Pissarro

+ As we see our neighbors taking down their Christmas trees and decorations, I’m reminded of meeting a neighbor a few years ago and trying to tell him which house we lived in. It clicked to him when he said, “Oh, you’re in the house that leaves up the Christmas lights for a while!” Yes, yes, we are. — here

+ Christ prayed for us to be one with him, as he is one with the Father. And in him, we find unity with one another. Rather than the good life being realized through self-sufficiency, health, purpose, and productivity, the good life in Christ is realized through being for others — through self-giving love. This of course does not mean that self-sufficiency, health, and productivity have no place in the Christian life. It just means that those values are not ends in and of themselves, but are ordered toward love of God and love of neighbor.” — Corynne Staresinic

+”If you’re not ready for a January overhaul, that’s okay. You don’t have to reset or be resolute. You can still, instead, try to rest, to make the best of it. To count small blessings, and list little gratitudes. You can expect little and make few promises… ” — Louise

+ Getting older doesn’t mean we become less beautiful. There’s a saying that “beauty attracts but holiness inspires.” I think about my mom in her 70s and 80s, even when shew as 90, she had this glow – this beauty, this peace. I looked into her eyes and I saw the joy of Christ. She always had a smile on her face. There is so much effort today in enhancing, looking young, doing what we can to look young. I think our focus should be on keeping our soul young and our spirit vibrant. Because that’s where the peace and joy will emanate from. That’s what the world needs: not more beautiful faces, but more holy faces — more loving faces. It comes from Christ.” — Fr. Michael Sliney

+ “As we step into the new year, let’s carry forward the light of Epiphany—the revelation of God’s love for all humanity. The wise men’s journey didn’t end at the manger; it began there. Their encounter with Christ set them on a new path, just as our faith guides us to new beginnings.

So, here’s my invitation: Let’s take the joy, wonder, and revelation of Epiphany into our daily lives. Let’s be bearers of light, sharing the love and hope that Christ’s birth signifies.” — Mary Lenaburg

Here are the Fashion Finds this week: