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Here are this week’s must-reads:
+ “The love that we ought to strive for in a marriage is a love like God’s. Look at the love of Christ on the cross… It was love that is merciful, compassionate, and generous. That is the sort of love we need in our marriages.” — Real Marriage with Dr. Sri & Beth Sri
+ “The perfect family doesn’t exist, nor is there a perfect husband or a perfect wife, and let’s not talk about the perfect mother-in-law! It’s just us sinners.” A healthy family life requires frequent use of three phrases: “May I? Thank you, and I’m sorry” and “never, never, never end the day without making peace.” – Pope Francis
+ Gardening teaches you a lot about life — and God’s will, and that you can try so hard to make one thing grow — all the while it’s not meant to be and something else is doing better in another part of the garden, and maybe you should focus on that area?
“My plan for you is not the one you have created and entertained in your mind. My plan for you is the one that is unfolding day after day… Trust not in what you do for me but, rather, in what I will do for you…” (In Sino Jesu: When Heart Speaks to Heart)
Here’s what’s featured in my newsletter, The Collection, this week. Scroll down to see all the modest fashion finds included! This week, I focused on the Sacred Heart since the month of June is dedicated to His Sacred Heart.
Everything featured in my weekly newsletters is always under $60. When you sign up, you get access to a long list of promo codes to some of my favorite Catholic businesses, up to 30% off. You could save more than $100 every month with those codes. Sign up for The Collection here!
+ “When I have no idea what next step God would have me take, I like to get introspective. I like to ask, what steps have I overlooked? Have I overlooked joy?
Have I forgotten to give thanks? Am I pursuing forgiveness for those who have wronged me? Am I trusting God’s heart when I can’t trace His hand? Am I afraid?
Is there anywhere I’m actively resisting God’s peace? When I start asking questions like these, the next steps often become much more clear.” — Mike Donehey
+ “Impressionism paintings and the art of seeing God: The primary goal of Impressionism was to capture the momentary, sensory effect of a scene rather than its accuracy. Impressionist artists were not worried about their own sense of control or perfection. What mattered most was appreciating the scene in front of them. Can we learn to set aside our need to “get everything right” and instead rest in the beauty of His love — to let His presence be enough?” — Blessed is She
+ “‘Great’ holiness consists in carrying out the ‘little’ duties of each moment.” — St. Josemaria Escriva
+ “I can’t explain it but it makes you love more deeply when you suffer for your beloved… “One only loves to the extent they are willing to suffer for their beloved.”… Suffering doesn’t have to be grandiose either. It can be an inconvenience you take on yourself to help someone else. Would you willingly take on suffering or accept suffering for your beloved spouse, children, family members or friends? What about that person whom it is difficult to love? St.Gianna reminds us: “One cannot suffer without loving or love without suffering.” — Sisterhood of the Traveling Relics
+ “For a long time, my prayer life will consist of questions. But maybe questions cultivate intimacy, because when we offer our questions, we offer our whole selves. And maybe I need him more than I need his answers. I’ll have to re-learn this afresh tomorrow and the day after that, but he isn’t going anywhere. God waits open-armed to receive all of me.” — Rebecca Smyth
+ “We’ve all got wounds. We all bear the stigmata. We’ve all got the wounds of the cross. Mine, for some strange reason happen to be visible, but so what? You’ve got them, too. You’re carrying some. I can see them.” — Saint Padre Pio
+ “What we ourselves cannot bear, let us bear with the help of Christ.” — St. Boniface
Here are the fashion finds in this week’s Collection: