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Here are this week’s must-reads:
+ “Sunday’s responsorial psalm (“Here I am, Lord, I come to do Your will”) coupled perfectly with this line from the Gospel: ““Behold, the Lamb of God, who takes away the sin of the world.”
It’s perfect because it reminds us that Jesus came to do the will of the Father, and that’s our goal too.
As we pray to know and do God’s will in our own lives, we can constantly look to Jesus who did the same.
He is with us while we strive in this effort. He is with us when we’re doing well with it and when we’re struggling. He is with us and knows the steps we have to walk.
And I’ve been told and I’ve read that we’ve been given everything we need to walk them. I’m hoping we can trust in that this week. And maybe even call on it when we need it.” – This week’s newsletter (pictures below of what else was included in this week’s newsletter, which you can sign up for here)
+ Five ways to get into prayer mode
+ “God transforms everything by the power of merciful love.” — Sr. Mary Madeline Todd, OP
+ “In a true miracle of grace, God can bring spouses closer through their crosses, and in the process closer to him. Do not fear the trials that may come in marriage. If you face them together, with courage and prayer, your love for each other can only grow stronger.” — Mariah Maza
+ “When fear arises, or when the thorns arise, or the sun rises to scorch, turn to Jesus and say ‘Jesus, show me who I am. Show me who you are.'” — Sister Miriam
+ How to protect, respect, love and serve life
+ “In your Gethsemane, Jesus never falls asleep.”
Here are some pictures of what was included in this week’s Catholic Wife, Catholic Life Newsletter!