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Here are this week’s must-reads:

+ “I know it might seem like time is passing you by: time to date, time to marry, time to start a family, time to puruse your dreams, time to slow down, time to change careers. Everybody else seems to be doing it faster or better than you, and time feels like it’s slipping out of your fingers like soft sand at a beach. But what if the Lord has all time in His hands, including yours? What if His time is better? What if He’s trying to give you something beautiful right now? He has plans for your welfare, not for your woe.” — Cecilia Blackwell

+ “She had heard about Jesus and came up behind him in the crowd and touched his cloak. She said, “If I but touch his clothes, I shall be cured.”… He said to her, “Daughter, your faith has saved you. Go in peace…” // While Jesus was responding to this woman, Jairus was waiting. Can you imagine how it felt for him to wait? To witness Jesus answering this woman’s prayer while he was hoping Jesus would respond to his. (I think most of us have been in a position like this, although maybe not this dire). He was so close. But with each passing moment, Jairus was likely wondering how much longer he and his daughter could wait.

And then he heard he didn’t make it back in time. It was seemingly too late.

But it wasn’t, for Jesus. Jesus healed the woman who reached out for him and He then made his way to Jairus’ daughter, and healed her too. In His time.

Maybe something we can takeaway from this Gospel is the encouragement to have faith in God’s timing. Let’s emulate the faith of Jairus and the woman who reached out for Jesus’ hem. They may not have understood Jesus’ ways or His timing, but they believed and they reached out. — read here

+ “We were made to create in imitation of the Creator. We were made to foster beauty in imitation of Beauty Himself. This good and holy desire for beauty is quite simply a desire for God, to bring Him into our spaces and places. Nowhere is this more true than within our homes. Very particularly when we bring in what is transcendent and sacred, beautiful and holy.

“Doing so reminds us that our home is a domestic church, and, even though simple, we should strive to adorn it beautifully with visuals that remind us of heaven in our everyday. A glance at the paintings here and there help to cultivate a certain interior disposition, serving as reminders that certainly fuel us spiritually.” — Megan, A Mother’s Lace

Here’s what’s featured in my newsletter, The Collection, this week. Scroll down to see all the modest fashion finds included! You can access this week’s newsletter here.

Everything featured in my weekly newsletters is always under $60. When you sign up, you get access to a long list of promo codes to some of my favorite Catholic businesses, up to 30% off. Sign up for The Collection here!

+ About St. Thomas, known as Doubting Thomas: I can think of a handful of saints who struggled with doubt at one point or another. And what a great gift to have a cloud of witnesses who show us the way forward in the face of doubt… read the rest here.

+ “God has a plan for us and He wants us to depend completely upon Him for the graces needed to carry it out. If you’re weak, don’t worry. God is strong. Stay with Him through the sacraments and frequent the Mass and Adoration like St Gianna did. Then you will see God making the impossible possible.” — Sisterhood of the Traveling Relics

+ “Gazing into the distance with Him, we commune with Jesus the way a couple who has been happily married for 50 years sits in silence with one another. Remembering, hoping, grateful, patient, aware of our own weaknesses and limitations, confident in our spouse’s love… choosing to believe that He is always at work, even (and sometimes especially) in the silence.” — Christine Hanus

+ “Lord of all the pots and pans and things, making me a saint by getting the meals and washing up the plates.” — Brother Lawrence

+ “I’m excited to see why God made me wait.” – Ashley Winnn // “Those who hope in me will not be disappointed.” (Isaiah 49:23)

+ “(Your relationship with God) doesn’t have anything to do with feelings. I feel good if I eat a piece of cherry pie, but that doesn’t mean anything. It means I can be happier because I ate a piece of cherry pie. No, I have to feel good inside because I accept the will of God, not matter what it is. Because my whole being must seek God.” — Mother Angelica

Here are the fashion finds in this week’s Collection: