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Here are this week’s must-reads:
+ “What matters is not to do extraordinary things, but (to do little things out of love for others). St. Therese called that “scattering flowers…” – Jacques Philippe, The Way of Trust and Love
+ May is the month we honor our Mother Mary and June is all about the Sacred Heart of Jesus.
+ Last Chance! If you are interested in any of the pieces featured in the Catholic Wife, Catholic Life Collections this month, this is your last chance to sign up for the Collection and gain access to all four newsletters that were shared in May. Once June 1st rolls around, those will no longer be available. You can sign up here! Here are a few of my favorite pieces this week…
+ “If you want to hope, you cannot do it alone. If there is any common thread in Pope Benedict’s practical tips for hope, it’s that. Hope is not a one man show. It’s a community effort. First, we have to talk to God. We also have to listen to Him. We have to engage in a real conversation about who He is and who we are, about where we struggle and about the life to which He is calling us. When we find ourselves without the words to pray—when grief, exhaustion, confusion, and doubt overwhelm us—we need to rely on the words of others. We need to pray the prayer Jesus taught us, and we need to pray the prayers of the saints, the Church, and Jesus’ mother...” — Emily Stimpson-Chapman
+ “The name of Jesus, invoked by our Saint (Joan of Arc) until the very last moments of her earthy life was like the continuous beating of her soul, like the beating of her heart, the centre of her whole life.” (Pope Benedict XVI)
+ “There is not a single moment when God is not communicating Himself to us. Most of what occurs in our lives seems to happen accidentally and at random. Now and then God reveals His presence. At times we see the thread and we thank Him, but He is always there; everything speaks of Him. There is an unbroken continuity in God’s action. “He who keeps you will not slumber. Behold, He who keeps Israel will neither slumber nor sleep” (Ps 121:3-4).” — Fr. Wilfrid Stinissen
+ “We are called to continually keep the Lord at the centre of our marriage, at the centre of all of our decisions. The moment we leave Him out of even one area, the moment our marriage loses its footing on the solid rock of Christ. Continue to seek Him and His will. He is trustworthy. He wants your good. His plan for us is better than we can imagine!” — Catholic Date Night
+ “I missed you. I’m sorry. I forgive you. You look amazing. The most impactful phrases in marriage are short and sweet.” — Stronger Marriages
+ “Mary… taught me what it means to be a mother, how to trust God in all things, how to hold the promises of God in my heart for each child and patiently watch how he works.” — Debbie Herbeck
+ “When we dress for the Holy Mass, we are dressing for a wedding feast… Our hearts are reflected in the love we live in action and on the flip side.. our posture, our dress can also speak to a transcendent reality. The first time I read in-depth about the Holy Mass as a wedding feast was in Benedict XVI Spirit of the Liturgy. Now prior to Sunday Mass as I’m getting dressed I ask myself: would I wear this to a wedding?” — Megan, A Mother’s Lace
+ “Home: The Domestic Church!!!! My FAVORITE title for home that has tremendously influenced my homemaking. That title has helped me to see why everything I choose to do in my home matters. Why choosing to pour my time & talents into my home is NEVER a waste… JESUS is the true heart of every Christian home!!! And I believe us homemakers have a special role of pointing to him ❤️🙏 & creating our own little domestic churches…” — Alex, Joyful Motherhood
+ Here’s what’s featured in this week’s
Catholic Wife, Catholic Life Collection,
which you can still access if you sign up today! 🌷