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Here are this week’s must-reads:
+ “Be of good cheer, for I have overcome the world.”… That’s what I trust. I trust in His mercy, kindness, wisdom, and love. I trust that this suffering is not the end of my story. I trust that my life is not the sum of its sorrows. I trust that whatever pain, loss, or failure I experience, somehow, in Jesus’ hands, will be transformed: it will become part of the story of how He made us forever His own.
I also trust that God will never abandon me when pain comes. I trust that in my moments of crucifixion, Jesus will hang on the cross with me, suffer with me, and give me the strength to endure. Most of all, I trust that no matter how bad it gets, no matter which of my worst fears comes to pass, that on the last day, when all is revealed, I will see that every tear I shed was worth it. That the good He brought out of this journey is unimaginably more beautiful and glorious than the pain I endured. The pain is passing. The good is everlasting…” — Emily Stimpson Chapman
+ “When God answers “not yet,” and when you’re doubting again, remember this: “I, the Lord, will make it happen in the right time.” (Isaiah 60:22)
+ “If one dream should fall and break into a thousand pieces… never be afraid to pick one of those pieces up and begin again.” — St. Bernadette
Here’s what’s featured in my newsletter, The Collection, this week. Scroll down to see all the modest fashion finds included! You can access this week’s newsletter here.

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+ “For many, “holiness” may feel like an intimidating word, an ideal reserved for saints, or at least other people, with demands that seem unattractive or out of reach. “I want to invite you instead to consider that you were actually created for holiness,” Liz said. “You are flourishing, you are at your best when you are working toward and cooperating with the holiness of God.” Holiness is about “choosing the highest good,” she said. “The highest good leads to the deepest joy, a joy that can never be taken from you, no matter what’s happening to you… this joy cannot be taken from you. And you were created for this.” — read here
+ On Gardening & Holiness: I told one of my sisters-in-law just the other day that there was an area of our garden that had so many weeds growing that you could barely tell what was a weed and what was one of our flowers that haven’t bloomed yet. I’ve just about given up on wedding the area, I told her. Because it would be endless.
But then I thought about it after the fact — while I was weeding another area of our yard, and it occurred to me that this is a similar path to holiness.
It *is* endless — but we’re not to be discouraged by that big-picture work of conversion and transformation. We probably shouldn’t even look at that big-picture of whole-life living, unless it’s with hope and trust that God is alongside us while we try to always walk closer to Him.
We should probably just focus on the area we’re working on today with that hopeful commitment of getting around to another area tomorrow — and next week, next month, next year.
We just can’t do it all at once. So take it little by little and trust that He knows what you can do, and He fills in the gaps.
+ I saw an encouraging post this morning that said: If it matters to you, it matters to Him. God cares deeply about the things you care about. // And this makes me think about how we call on St. Anthony to intercede for us to find our lost items — sometimes it’s something that *seems* trivial, but really isn’t, you know? And God cares about that for us. St. Anthony, pray for us. — here
+ “The great secret of prayer is that the Lord is not far off: He abides in our hearts, longing to be found there. Seek Him, and, when you find Him, never let Him go. ” — CFR
+ “Jesus may hide himself but we know he is there.” — St. Therese
+ “Psalm 13 is a plea from David to God for deliverance. He cries out to God asking Him, “How long?” (Psalm 13:1–3). How long will this last situation last? How long will I have to endure this? These are thoughts that easily cross our minds as well, especially when life throws an unexpected curveball at us. But David doesn’t stay in despair, he brings his requests to God and ends up praising God for His unfailing love, His deliverance, and His goodness (Psalm 13:5–6). David teaches us that we can trust God in every situation and sing of His goodness. Though life is sometimes not like what we expected, we can rest knowing that God is in control.” — Daily Grace Co.
+ What is the best piece of marriage advice you ever received? This question often comes to mind when we attend weddings. Here’s what I’ve come up with.
+ “Christians must lean on the Cross of Christ just as travelers lean on a staff when they begin a long journey.” — St. Anthony
+ “‘Great’ holiness consists in carrying out the ‘little’ duties of each moment.” – St. Josemaria Escriva
Here are the fashion finds in this week’s Collection: