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Here are this week’s must-reads:
+ I read that the sainthood cause for Chiara Corbella Petrillo is moving forward… She’s been an inspiration to me for many years; a teacher of how to suffer, live and love well. One thing in particular that has stood out to me is how she experienced the same anxieties — and questions, and sometimes fear, as we all do at times. Her husband has shared this, and it’s something I think many of us are grateful to hear about.
I read that Chiara, “cast everything on the Father, welcoming the grace needed for whatever step she had to make.” (CNA) And her husband said:
“It is only possible if you have a relationship that we call Faith… Chiara was not a super person — superwoman. It’s simply like this: Chiara is a daughter. Simply. Just like you are. And I have no doubt that this grace is a gift that God wants to give me and also to you… So what I hope happens in your heart is that you don’t make of Chiara a saint that you put on the altar. Because all of you, each of you, is also called to the same thing: to live your son-ship, your daughter-ship. All these events (your life’s events) are nothing more than a discovery of a journey to rediscover your daughter-ship, your sonship, of Him. What we have discovered is that God was waiting for us, exactly there: in there and with our limits…” — read here
+ “There was a mission that the Lord had for John to fulfill… He has formed us in our mother’s womb (see Psalm 139:13). And He calls us (see Isaiah 49:1). Take a moment to reflect… The Lord formed you with purpose and care. You are here for a reason.“ — Rocio Esther
+ “He does not need our accomplishments, only our love. He thirsts for love.” — St. Therese
Here’s what’s featured in my newsletter, The Collection, this week. Scroll down to see all the modest fashion finds included! You can access this week’s newsletter here.

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+ “Some of the most underrated marriage advice is to simply be intentional about noticing the things your spouse is doing for your family and regularly thanking them for it.” – Anneliese
+ “Our vocation is meant to sanctify us, and we can’t do it without the help of Christ. A crucifix…. serves as a reminder of all of this and keeps Christ at the center of our marriage. Let’s lift high the cross in our homes so that we may see it as we are purified and sanctified daily in our marriages.” — Mari Wagner
+ St. John the Baptist is known for his humility. “John said: One mightier than I is coming.” (Lk 3:16) // The Catechism says humility is the foundation of prayer. And we know that prayer is a relationship with God. So John the Baptist shows us this way of growing closer to the Lord by acknowledging who He is and who we are. He is our good and merciful Father, and we belong to Him. — read here
+ “True growth lies in emptying ourselves and making room for the Lord to dwell within us. By embracing humility, and pivoting from self-reliance to reliant on Christ, we create space for His love and guidance, allowing Him to illuminate our path and shape our character.” — Reform
+ “When we go tot Mass, we take along all of our professional work, family life, sufferings, and leisure, and all of these become spiritual sacrifices acceptable to God through Jesus Christ, during the celebration of the Eucharist.” — Dr. Hahn
+ A One-Day Novena: Most novenas are 9-days long, but there’s one novena Mother Teresa is known for having prayed, and it’s something you can pray in just one day. 😊🙏 It’s called the Flying Novena (or the Express Novena).
Mother Teresa would pray the Memorare nine times in a row, all in one day. At the very end, she would add an extra Memorare as a prayer of thanksgiving — essentially saying, “God, I know you’re going to work through this intention, and thank you for that.”
It’s a beautiful prayer and a beautiful way to ask for Mary’s intercession while trusting that God will show up and work within your intention.
+ “All things are possible for him who believes, more to him who hopes, even more to him who loves.” — St. Lawrence
Here are the fashion finds in this week’s Collection: