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Here are this week’s must-reads:
+ “It was through his doubts that the Lord was able to bring Thomas to a more complete understanding of who Jesus was and the mission that He was sent to accomplish. It led to Thomas proclaiming: “My Lord and my God.” — Fr. Tom Pringle
+ “If we need another person to make things right before we move towards change, we might stay unhealed for a very long time.” — Lysa TerKeurst
+ “When we’re desperate and reaching out, are we extending our hands and our hearts out to the Lord — or to something else? That was my first initial reaction to Sunday’s Gospel readings where Jesus heals the hemorrhaging woman and Jairus’s daughter. Now, after some more thought, I have another perspective…
It can be so incredibly healing and nurturing to hear just the right thing at the right time — or maybe even more so to be comforted by another, by the touch of their arm on yours. Jesus’ touch heals. And it makes me think: what about ours? How are we offering healing to those we encounter on a daily basis? How can we use our words or touch to comfort and care for those around us?
Now of course, we may not always be in a season where we can be the healer — some seasons, we’re more in need ourselves. But maybe, because of those particular seasons of our own neediness and desperateness, we know even better how to respond to those in front of us with similar pains and wounds.” — here
+ “Being single is not the worst thing. And being married is not the best thing. That seems like an odd thing for a woman who is besotted with her spouse to say on her 5th anniversary. But so many of you have asked me for advice about singleness or finding a spouse, and this is the best I’ve got…
”Marriage can be an occasion for growth, but it will not make all your wounds disappear overnight. The words “I do” are not a magic spell. Married or not, you will still be you, beautiful, broken, in need of a Savior. And that Savior is not your spouse. It’s Jesus.
“Even the best of spouses will annoy you, frustrate you, and hurt you. Happy marriages require patient love and ready forgiveness. Both come more easily when you’re not looking to another broken person to bring you your happily ever after.” — Emily Stimpson-Chapman
+ A little info about my Monday newsletters on Patreon 🙂
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+ “In silence, with voice, singing, gestures, or dancing our praise is meant to bring us to a point of communion with God. This is really the heart of the message of praise. We must open ourselves to grace and a personal encounter with the Lord in an atmosphere of praise.” –Andi Oney
+ “It’s so so hard to watch kids make bad choices. We mothers wear our hearts on the outside, and it’s so hard sometimes to trust that God is the Master at drawing crooked lines straight. It’s hard to not get mad and assume that OUR way is the only best way. And those thoughts, for me at least, are rooted in fear. Fear for my children’s souls and fear of letting God down in the rearing of those six precious souls. I need to keep reminding myself that end of it all, God is asking me to stay faithful to the vocation He called me to, to continue to give it my all, and not to confuse my metrics for “success” as that faithfulness…” — Cari Donaldson
+ “If you’ve been wanting a change in your life—a transition or some type of movement in any area of your life, have you laid that down in the Lord’s presence? Have you allowed yourself to be desperate in front of Him? Take that risk of calling out to Him over and over again. He is present and He is faithful. He is the key to the courage you may be looking for to make a change.” — me over at Blessed is She
+ “I understood that every flower created by Him is beautiful, that the brilliance of the rose and the whiteness of the lily do not lessen the perfume of the violet or the sweet simplicity of the daisy. I understood that if all the lowly flowers wished to be roses, nature would no longer be enameled with lovely hues.” – St. Therese 🌸
+ “Since the fall of Adam and Eve, suffering is part of the reality we face. But we know it is not the end. We rebel against pain; we desire healing because we know in our hearts that we were not made for suffering. And here is the good news: Jesus has revealed Himself to be our Healer. He, the Divine Physician, knows the intricacies of our hearts and where we are in need of restoration! The remedy He provides is so delicately and tenderly attuned to each of our histories, wounds, circumstances, and our faith.” — The Joyful Leap
+ “The more we can learn to be detached from our own desires and plans and concerns about the things of this world, even if those things are good, the more we will be living for God, the more we’ll be able to see with His eyes and learn how to experience freedom even though we might feel trapped by infertility. God loves us so much. He wants us to abandon ourselves to Him because He is the one who loves us the most and who has the best plan for us. He is the One to whom we truly belong. It is in trusting Him and following His path for us, in abandoning ourselves to His will, in belonging to Him entirely, that we become truly free.” — Springs in the Desert
+ Lastly, here’s what’s featured in this week’s Catholic Wife, Catholic Life Newsletter. I share these every Monday and they always include: two gluten-free recipes, a reflection & prayer based on Sunday’s Mass readings, and links to budget-friendly fashion & home decor.