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Here are this week’s must-reads, along with a few other fun things to check out:
–> Be sure to scroll down to the bottom of the post to check out some things I shared in this week’s Catholic Wife, Catholic Life Newsletter! I share this newsletter every Monday and it always includes two gluten-free recipes, a reflection & prayer based on Sunday’s Mass Readings (this week, it’s about the Good Shepherd & how we can be better sheep), and links to budget-friendly fashion & home decor. 🌸🌸🌸
+ John-Paul & I celebrated a big anniversary this weekend.
+ This is my current favorite song right now. I think you’ll like it!
+ “The Chosen” Jesus, just as I imagined Him Have you watched the series? Every blogger that I follow and respect has been raving about it — I’m a few episodes in!
+ “The Deepest Meaning of Shalom” Loved this reflection, especially in light of having watched The Chosen.
+ DIY May Crowning when you don’t have a statue of Mary
+ “There is light above this storm and no suffering can carry us away from the reach of His light.” – Ann Voskamp
+ “The role of a Catholic woman might be summed up in a word: MARY.
Motherhood (physical and spiritual)
Adoration (first duty to God)
Resourceful (wise, creative)
Yes to God (serving the divine will)
Some women will transmit life physically but all women of faith can be life bearers: Christ-bearers.” – Kathleen Beckman
+ Mother’s Day and how Mary Stands at the Foot of our Cross: Mary responds to our heartaches. Like our closest friends, she sits across from us and says, “Me too. I get it. I’ve felt it.” She’s not just sympathetic with our hurting. She is empathetic. She is willing to look at our crosses and to stand with us while we hold it today, just as she did for Jesus… She is at the foot of our cross. She is here to offer us her love, her comfort and her prayers. I hope that this reminder can help lessen the weight on your shoulders today. You are not alone.
+ “We make a mistake if we think that because Mary is the Mother of God that this somehow meant that she escaped the more painful experiences of life. In fact, it is better to think that because of the depth of her relationship with Christ, the sad facts of life were enhanced for her rather than dulled. She experienced life knowing the full cost of humanity’s refusal to love, and saw for herself the terrible cost in the manner that her beloved Son suffered and died.
“All the while in the midst of the pain filled way of the cross she trusted that God was present, even if such a presence could not be felt or offered little in the way of relief or consolation.” (Fr. Steve Grunow, Word On Fire Catholic Ministries)
I love this.
This is something we can all relate to — either in something we’ve experienced in the past or have yet to come across, I believe each of us will experience something very similar to this in our lifetime.
And, “Like the Mother of God, the events and circumstances of life will offer us not only love, but sorrow. In these moments the witness of the Mother of Sorrows will demonstrate to us that genuine faith is not a merely a comfort, a crutch or a diversion. Faith in Christ does not bring with it exemption from the reality of our existence but grants us access to the divine life in all things- even suffering and even death and it is through precisely these experiences that we learn the extremity of true love.” (read the rest here)
“Why do we have to make every holiday so complicated?” they ask. “Why can’t we just celebrate without worrying that we’re offending anyone?” Because we are called to love our neighbor. And our neighbor is not only the proud mom who loves Mother’s Day because she finally hears a word of blessing and support for her calling. Our neighbor is also the woman who prayed for children every night and never got pregnant.” – Laura Kelly Fanucci
+ “How I Managed to Not Sabotage Mother’s Day for the First Time” — I always love Nell’s reflections on marriage & family. While this post is mostly about mother’s day, I found that I could also read it in relation to any holiday you celebrate with your husband — it’s about communication, being clear about your expectations — and sharing those with your husband. So not just a mother’s day post!
🌸Here are some pictures of what’s included in this week’s Catholic Wife, Catholic Life Newsletter! 🌸