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Here are this week’s must-reads:
+ “The path to holiness lies right in front of you. It is in the face of your spouse, the chatter of your children. In our most intimate bonds, we will often find the greatest crosses – for in crafting your Domestic Church, God has given each family member to the others, filled each with various gifts, and permitted various deficiencies in each. Thus it is in the very bosom of the family that we can pursue the path of holiness most directly.” — The Contemplative Homemaker
+ Saint quotes for when you need peace
+ “Assume goodwill. When you marry the love of your life, your favorite person, your partner, your best friend…two become one. But that does not mean that disagreements will never arise. Having differences of opinions or points of view are normal. Heck, it’s actually really good to be challenged every once in a while! But in those times of tension, it can be difficult to feel united. Feelings may get hurt and we might be misunderstood. It’s crucial to remember that you two are on the same team. ALWAYS assume goodwill and will the good of the other in return.” — Two Become Family
+ I’ve been a writer in one capacity or another for about 15 years now. I never just submit or publish my first draft. It goes through so many — sometimes painful — edits. Deleting this, re-working that, adding something new. It’s a process. And it’s never quite predictable. But the finished product is always better than what I started with. // This is also true for whatever the Lord is working on in your life right now. Maybe you’re in the season of the first draft. Or the second. Maybe you’re in the painful editing process. Maybe you’re close to that glorious ending — some relief, with that deep breath. In any case, the Lord is working and reworking your story. And He’s a writer who likes to finish on a high note. With redemption. With renewal. With good. Let’s keep going and let’s try to listen to this editor of ours 😉❤️🙏
+ The Christ the King Novena begins this Friday!
+ “And so the meaning of our lives is not dependent upon what we make of it but of what he is making of us.” (Emily P. Freeman)
+ “When you begin to work for the Lord, expect opposition! The devil doesn’t attack those who he already controls…he attacks those he’s yet to attain. Let us trust ourselves and our loved ones completely to the Lord and to His Blessed Mother—Jesus & Mary shield and protect us from the plots of the devil!” — A Catholic Coach
+ Prayers to pray for the souls in purgatory
+ “One of the reasons we celebrate All Saints’ Day and All Souls’ Day one day after the other is a reminder that all souls are called to be saints.” (Fr. Dwight Longenecker)
+ “Advent should be a calm and peaceful time, but often it’s the busiest time of the year! In the weeks leading up to Christmas, it’s very easy to get focused on shopping, parties, and everything else holiday-related. But let’s not forget about our marriages. Advent and marriage have a special link—both point us toward heaven. Use this Advent season to draw closer to each other, to foster your relationship together, and to remind each other of the end goal—eternal life in heaven.” — Surprised by Marriage
+ “Instead of mulling on our worries, let’s meditate on His Word. This is the resolution every new week needs — a revolution: A turning every day to Christ.” — Ann Voskamp
+ “Behind the shame is a holy desire for God, for connection, for love.”
+ I shared this poll in my stories last week and was really surprised by the response you can see here. A handful of women wrote me and said the same thing — they were surprised that so many other people felt the same way, that they were having to let go of the life they had planned, working on accepting the one they have. I think we all felt so much less alone by seeing that so I wanted to share it with you again here. If things haven’t turned out the way you hoped or planned, you’re not alone.💜
+ “But there is something in suffering that mustn’t be glanced over. That something is that it’s redemptive. That when actually embraced, suffering can be something that changes you and helps you become who God created you to be. In the Diary of St. Maria Faustina, Jesus tells Faustina, “You will save more souls through prayer and suffering than will a missionary through his teachings and sermons alone.”
“A convenient way athletes can offer up suffering for souls is through the many workouts and conditioning athletes do. In offering a workout for another person, not only can you grow in motivation to complete the workout and improve as an athlete, but also in virtue as your suffering is for someone other than yourself. Stay tuned for a future post to learn more about how your workouts can be offered for the salvation of souls.” — Varsity Catholic
+ Lastly, here’s what’s featured in this week’s Catholic Wife, Catholic Life Newsletter. I share these every Monday and they always include: two gluten-free recipes, a reflection & prayer based on Sunday’s Mass readings, and links to budget-friendly fashion & home decor. This week’s reflection focuses on the encounter between Elijah and the widow.
You can sign up for the newsletter here.