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Here are this week’s must-reads:
+ “This YouTuber’s dad walked out on his family when he was 12 years old. Now that he’s a father of his own two adult children, he’s created a YouTube channel called “Dad, how do I?” where he posts videos of common tasks you might ask your dad for help with, so that children without fathers can use his videos as a resource.”
+ Saints who battled mental illness
+ “Open your hand
to what grace lays into your
surrendered palm today.
It’s not meant to
Hurt you
Harm you
Harden you —
it’s meant to draw you into Him.
You can’t grow hard
When you’re pressed up against
His heart.
You can’t grow hateful
When you’re laying what’s painful
in His hands.
You can’t grow jaded
When your greatest treasure is Jesus.” — Ann Voskamp
+ Scripture verses to pray when you’re disappointed
+ How to discern dark nights of the soul and what to do about them.
+ “Is God calling you to help the least of these?”
+ “Our bodies also allow others to see something of God. Made in the image of God, every body of every person expresses a profound truth about who God is. Our bodies’ abilities to create and give and love reflect a God who is the Creator, the giver of all good gifts, and love himself… We owe a great debt to Pope St. John Paul II for revealing the true beauty of the body. It is a bridge. It is a gift. And even in death, it still serves as a sign of what is yet to come. We should not take lightly that God has promised to raise our bodies on the last day. As I say in Hope to Die, if God places such importance on our body, then we should, as well. We still have much to learn from the teachings of John Paul II, even a century after his birth.” — Dr. Scott Hahn
+ NaProTechnology’s approach to postpartum depression & anxiety
🌸 Here are a few pictures of what’s included in this week’s Catholic Wife, Catholic Life Newsletter! 🌸
I share this newsletter every Monday and it always includes two gluten-free recipes, a reflection & prayer based on Sunday’s Mass Readings,, and links to budget-friendly fashion & home decor.