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Here are this week’s must-reads:

+ “It’s OK if you didn’t fill any shoes with candy on St. Nicholas Day. It’s OK if your family never wears matching pajamas. It’s OK if the cute little lights on that cute little extra tree go out in the middle and you just can’t get around to fixing it.

“It’s OK if you’re dreading things that lie ahead – parties, family, work and social obligations. It’s OK if you’re so distracted with worries about money, health, your marriage, your parents, or your kids that you have scarcely noticed it’s Advent. Wherever you find yourself today, I invite you to take a moment. Breathe in deep, exhale slowly, and remember that you are God’s precious child. You are not alone, you are never alone. He is with you, and He loves you more than you can know.” — Danielle Bean

+ “The liturgy of Advent — is not just about commemorating the historical event, which occurred some 2,000 years ago. Instead, it is necessary to understand that the whole of our life must be an ‘advent,’ a vigilant awaiting of the final coming of Christ.” (JP II)

+ “Blessed are those prepared to meet Him.” The interior life prepares us. And what about the exterior one? It’s not first or foremost — certainly not the priority, but the beauty around us can prepare our hearts too. It can draw us into contemplation, closer to the Lord in our midst. — read here

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+ “In Scripture, in Hebrew, the word for hope is often “qavah,” which also means to wait, and it’s rooted in the word, “qav,” which means cord — which means we wait & hope while being ENTWINED. Which means as we entwine ribbons around the tree, as we tie cords around presents, we begin the season of the bows — even with nothing in our lives is neatly tied up with any bows, it’s our hearts that are being tied to Hope Himself, it’s our souls that are being entwined with the One who is our Hope.” — Ann Voskamp

+ “The Christmas story has an unconventional hero… a family.” — (Scott Hahn, Joy to the World)

+ “So if you can’t see Jesus in whatever it is that you’re going through right now, ask Mary to help you to see his face. She can.” (Sarah Christmyer)

+ The story about how Pray More Novenas started… and what the Immaculate Conception had to do with it 🙂 This story reminds me that the things we’re not great at — maybe even something so small, like not being able to finish a novena — can be the very thing God wants to use to glorify Him. So as Mary rejoiced in her littleness and in the greatness of God — in the Magnificat — we can too. Perhaps God rejoices in our surrender of those weaknesses to Him.

+ “Think of Jesus preaching to the group of 5-thousand people. They’re hungry, they have nothing to eat, and a boy offers Jesus 5 loaves and 2 fishes. And Jesus uses that to feed everyone — with more leftover… Each of us have two loaves & two fishes. Each of us have something that we don’t think is enough. And the question is: will we offer it to God and see what He can do with it?” — Mallory Smyth

+ “We live our sonship (and daughtership) best by listening to Mary and loving as she loves. Listening means responding when she says: “Do whatever He tells you.” Loving means standing by Christ, even to the cross. Loving means choosing Hiim, in every instance.” — Scott Hahn

+ “Our goal is not to be perfect moms (and wives) but simply to point to the perfect Savior.” — the dailygraceco

+ “As long as matters are really hopeful, hope is a mere flattery or platitude; it is only when everything is hopeless that hope begins to be a strength at all.”⁠ –G.K. Chesterton

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