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Here are this week’s must-reads:

+ “The Holy Spirit is living in you, you are never ever ever ever alone. The same power that raised Christ Jesus from the dead is living in you. You think you’re weak? You think you can’t? You can’t but He can and He’s living inside of you.” — Heather Khym

+ Waiting is a major part of the spiritual life // Peonies are known as Pentecost roses… 🌸🕊 You wait so long for these to bloom and then they just do — and it seems as though it happened overnight. The apostles also waited, at Jesus’ direction, and prayed constantly in preparation for the coming of the Holy Spirit. And then, just as He said, He sent down the Holy Spirit. // Waiting is a major part of the spiritual life, but that doesn’t mean it’s not an active season where much can happen. — here

+ “Lord, help us get done what actually needs to be done and to surrender what should be left undone, and to worship you in our little moments. Amen.” (Well Watered Women) // I read this prayer sometime last year and I love the reminder to accept our limitations of what can get done, and to trust God knows them and works not only within them — but beyond them. — here

Here are some pieces featured in this week’s Collection. Everything featured is under $60. When you sign up, you get instant access to the 3 Collection Newsletters I’ve shared this month along with a long list of promo codes to some of my favorite Catholic businesses, up to 30% off. You could save more than $100 every month with those codes. Sign up for The Collection here!

Scroll down to see the Fashion Finds of this week! 
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+ “Our homemaking is but a way of walking well toward the place our Lord promised to prepare for us.” — Sarah Clarkson

+ Our Lady of the Kitchen: “Blessed be the days, the years, you spent upon the earth, engaged in little household chores that seemed of no great worth.

Many were the meals you cooked and placed before the two,
The growing lad, our Jesus Lord, and kind St. Joseph too.

Mending, sweeping, marketing, the pots and pots – so clean!
No kitchen task beneath your love, although you were a Queen.

Come, teach me, Mother Mary, in your sweet and gentle way
to sanctify my duty and the labor of my day…”

(1957 Monastery of the Visitation)

+ “Living for God is for all the moments, not just our time at Mass or our personal time set aside for prayer… I’ve found that it helps me stay connected to God when I remember that He’s here now. Right in the midst of all the crazy moments, the lovely moments, the teaching moments, the cleaning moments, and the heart-breaking moments.

“Remembering that He’s here is only part of staying connected. The next part could be inviting Him to guide me, or it could be offering the task to Him. It could be thanking Him for the sunny day… turning on a favorite praise playlist, letting the music move my soul while my hands prepare dinner. Turns out, it’s simple to connect with Him in all the moments.” — Gina, Someday Saints

+ “The present moment is holy because it contains God’s will for us hidden under the veil of seemingly-ordinary circumstances. This is what Fr. Jean-Pierre de Caussade famously referred to as “the sacrament of the present moment.”

If we are attentive to the present moment, we will learn how to recognize God’s mysterious action which moves as an undercurrent through the events of daily life.” — Good Catholic Media

+ “There is hardly anything more human than the desire to be home. What we must realize, however, is that all of these desires are but reflections of the ultimate desire of every human person: eternal communion with God in heaven — our true home. Only in heaven will all our longings be fulfilled.” — Scott Hahn

+ “God steers us through compassion… Compassion is a hallmark of the Holy Spirit… One way to grow in docility to the Holy Spirit is to pay attention to what moves you with compassion. As you walk through your day, notice who catches your attention. Notice if your heart swells as you pass someone. Notice where your love is stirred. And then? Ask the Holy Spirit if there’s an action He’d like you to take — perhaps stopping to pray with them, offering financial help, or simply striking up a conversation. Let His love guide you to reach those who need His touch.” (@Cathrevmin)

+ “Marriage as a Sacrament rather than a contract gives you the grace to live it… I believe that submitting to marriage as a sacrament was a big part of our personal growth… Our faith called us every day to be better spouses and better individuals; to be self-controlled and self-sacrificing…” — Kendra Tierney

Here are the Fashion Finds in this week’s Collection!