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Here are this week’s must-reads:
+ “There are times when Jesus heals and there are times when Jesus doesn’t. If you find yourself in that place right now, know this: He is still Lord. He is still good, He is still God and He still loves you. He’s doing something in this…. That’s what you’re called to in this moment, to cling to Jesus. Even if that also means to cling to Jesus on the cross…” — Fr. Mike Schmitz
+ “On Doubting Thomas: Beyond proving to Thomas that he did indeed rise from the dead, Jesus is meeting Thomas in his suffering of disbelief, confusion and pain, and showing Thomas that he has taken that suffering upon himself. Jesus knows his pain intimately and has not dismissed it or punished Thomas for it. In making it his own, Jesus recreates Thomas’ heart, filling him with new life.” — Caroline Harvey
+ Here are a few Marian pieces I shared in this week’s Catholic Wife, Catholic Life Collection, which you can sign up for here. When you sign up, you’ll get immediate access to this week’s Collection. Sign up here. 🙂
+ “Marriage as a path to holiness is something that’s completely opposite to what our culture tells us marriage is… (In our culture), Marriage is presented as the path to happiness – that when you enter into marriage, all of your problems are going to be solved and you’re going to be so happy and this person is going to be everything for you… What ultimately they’re trying to get people to believe is that their spouse is their savior when Jesus Christ is our savior. And the goal is to lead one another to our Savior — to not try to be the other’s savior but to lead the other to the Savior and ultimately to holiness.” — Emily Wilson
+ How to save a troubled marriage: Advice from Couples Who Have Been Beyond the Brink
+ “Hope runs deep. It’s a theological virtue, infused by God the way that faith is. It is gift we must unwrap again and again, sometimes even when we feel quite pessimistic. Unlike optimism, hope requires something of us. We have to make a decision, to choose to believe with some degree of confidence that God is for us and is working all things together for our good.
“Hope believes in things unseen, and then it carefully waits and watches with confident expectation as goodness is revealed and the unseen becomes evident… Hope requires something of us. To riff a bit on St. James, hope without works is dead. You have to nurture the hope infused in you—to protect it, and especially to pray that it will increase…” — Elizabeth Foss
+ “Fear must not dwell — hope and Jesus is our banner.” — St. Elizabeth Ann Seton
+ “Jesus dwells in little golden houses alone in Churches. Jesus dwells in little golden houses of our love. He is always there. When we feel small, perhaps insignificant, when we feel lonely, overlooked, heart broken, forgotten perhaps — all things (we) feel intensely at times — there is one who knows our suffering…” — Denise, Theology of the Home
+ “Three simple ways we like to incorporate Liturgical Living: 1. Follow the Liturgical Season – if it’s ordinary time, bring greenery into the home, eat fresher meals (salads) and thank God for the simplicity of ordinary life. 2. Start with the month’s dedication. Let that one thing be your focus, pray about it, learn about it, celebrate it! 3. Begin with (patron) name days or special sacramental anniversaries. Making this an annual celebration can be the first step in building sincere Catholic culture in the home through days that are meaningful to you.” — here
+ “All of life is a school of holiness… and an opportunity for you to be like Jesus.” — Mother Angelica
+ Here’s what’s featured in this week’s Catholic Wife, Catholic Life Collection, which you can still access if you sign up today! 🌷 You can sign up here.