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Here are this week’s must-reads:
+ As we begin a new month, here are some feast days that we can prepare for this August:
St. Edith Stein (August 9th). St. Claire (August 11th). St. Jane Frances de Chantal (August 12th). St. Kolbe (August 14th). The Solemnity of the Assumption of Mary (August 15th). St. Rose of Lima (August 23rd). St. Monica (August 27th). St. Augustine (August 28th).
+ Here are a few beautiful pieces I shared in this week’s section of Home Decor in the Catholic Wife, Catholic Life Collection, which you can sign up for here. I love to find items that can help you celebrate the different feast days!
- When you sign up, you’ll get immediate access to this week’s Collection. Sign up here!
+ “Discern and then do. Clarity—what we all want, so desperately—comes in taking action after the “yes” and rarely before…” — Claire Dwyer
+ “In the hidden recesses of the human heart the grace of a vocation takes the form of a dialogue. It is a dialogue between Christ and an individual, in which a personal invitation is given. Christ calls the person by name and says: “Come, follow me.” This call, this mysterious inner voice of Christ, is heard most clearly in silence and prayer. Its acceptance is an act of faith. Do not be slow to answer the Lord’s call!” — St. JPII
+ “Next time you find yourself thinking ‘oh no. More laundry?’ or ‘do I have to sweep this floor again?’ take those thoughts captive and turn them around for God’s glory. There is NOTHING too mundane for God… EVERY little job we do, if we do it out of love for God and others, it glorifies the Lord.” — Discipling the Home
+ “The mundane is the perfect training ground to learn contentment and (fulfillment) in Christ.” — Abby Houston
+ “Each and every day God offers to us everything we need in order to grow in relationship to Him… in the present moment.” — Dominic Jean
+ “Go to the Heart of Jesus and draw from it, and when you need more, go back to the Source and draw again.” — St. Madeleine Sophie Barat
+ “God’s mercy is efficacious. When it touches your soul it transforms everything. And the Eucharist is a tangible gift of God’s mercy- a gift to us all.” — read here
+ “There are three devotions which you must treasure above all the others if you want to grow in holiness: devotion to the Passion, to the Most Blessed Sacrament, and to the Blessed Mother.” — St. Alphonsus
+ “Our Christian faith is about God seeking us. He’s constantly telling us you’re not alone. You don’t have to rely on yourself. All of salvation history is about that. Him reminding us.” — Sr. Meredith
+ “St. Anne, mother of the Mother of God, teach me to be faithful in the waiting, so that I can bear witness to the Lord’s benevolent providence.” — Cloister of my Heart
+ “One way that novenas can help you more fully enter and live out your faith is by leading you through the different liturgical seasons and feast days. The liturgical calendar creates a rhythm for our lives – seasons of feasting and fasting, and entering into prayer with a novena leading up to a feast day within those seasons can help us to encounter these feast days in a more active way. For instance, during Advent, you can pray the Christmas Novena leading up to Christmas day, meditating on Jesus’ coming. At the end of Lent, you can pray the Divine Mercy Novena leading up to Divine Mercy Sunday, reflecting on Jesus’s Resurrection and endless mercy. In both instances, praying a novena leading up to those days gives you the chance to pray about and prepare for those feast days, hopefully helping them to become more meaningful for you.” — read here
+ “Feasting is a form of worship, an acknowledgment of God’s desire to create an abundant life to be enjoyed. When we feast we acknowledge God’s artistry and provision…” — Excerpt from Theology of Work Project
+ “Create a New Prayer Space for August: New month means a new theme for our space, and August is devoted to the Immaculate Heart of Mary!…” // “It is always time for beauty in our homes…”
+ Here are a few beautiful pieces I shared in this week’s section of Fashion Finds in the Catholic Wife, Catholic Life Collection, which you can sign up for here.