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Here are this week’s must-reads:

+ “What God ultimately cares about: not what we accomplish in the world, but what He accomplishes in us. Make that what you care most about, too. Make holiness your most important dream. Make Him your most important dream and put His will for your life first. Remember, there is always grace in the daily duty, whatever that duty might be. It doesn’t have to be impressive to be important. It doesn’t have to be fun to be meaningful. It doesn’t have to matter to other people to matter to God.” — Emily Stimpson-Chapman

+ Here’s a look at what’s featured in this week’s Collection, which you can still access if you sign up here. The exclusive promo codes included in The Collections throughout the month could save you $240. Sign up for The Collection here! When you sign up, you get instant access to all FOUR Collections shared this month. They’re only available for a few more days — until the end of the month.

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+ “God has a special purpose, a special love, a special providence for all those he has created. God cares for each of us individually, watches over us, provides for us. The circumstances of each day of our lives, of every moment of every day, are provided for us by him. . . . [This] means . . . that every moment of our life has a purpose, that every action of ours, no matter how dull or routine or trivial it may seem in itself, has a dignity and worth beyond human understanding. No man’s life is insignificant in God’s sight.” – Fr. Walter Ciszek, S.J.

+ “A vocation- any vocation – is a school of charity and (your cross). Your vocation is the means by which your self-serving ego will die in order (for you) to be resurrected as the servant and (to love) God (and those around you)… Many people fail in their vocation– perhaps especially in the vocation of marriage –because they expect their life’s calling to satisfy, or at least take away, the impossible and inexpressible longing that lies within them… All of this– the sadness and the perplexity of life–will accompany you in your vocation. It will exist, with no contradiction, alongside the joy and truth of the Gospel. It is what we must suffer until we are fully united with God in eternity. No matter what calling you embrace, your vocation must be your means of letting Jesus into your life completely, learning to love God more than yourself.” —Benjamin Mann

+ “When Jesus got to Jerusalem and needed a mount, he sent some apostles to find a certain colt. When the owners asked where they were taking it, they were to say, “The Master has need of it.” That was enough. There was no need of explanation, no justification beyond the promise that God had a plan. I’ve been working hard on this, on taking my loss and heartbreak and minor inconveniences and saying, “The Master has need of it.” I’ve been trying to let that be enough… the words of St. John Henry Newman have been running through my mind. “He knows what he is about.” I don’t need to understand what God is doing. I can hold fast to the one who loves me perfectly. When his will is hard and his ways concealed from me, I can cling to the God who handed himself over for me and remind myself, “The Master has need of it. And he knows what he is about.” — Meg Hunter-Kilmer

+ “You may have heard the phrase, “To err is human, to forgive divine.” Today I was driving and I thought of the phrase, “To worry is human, to trust divine.”… To turn our worry into TRUST is Divine because it is a grace from God. If today you’re struggling with trusting God and His will, ask Him for the grace to trust.” — Jen, Sisterhood of the traveling relic

+ “It says “well done, good and faithful servant,” not “perfectly done, good and faithful servant.” — here