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Here are this week’s must-reads:
+ “The rosary is a meditation on the life of Christ… Mary pondered the mysteries of Christ in her heart and the Rosary provides us the chance to know and love Jesus as Mary does.” — Fr. Leo
+ West Coast Catholic makes some of my favorite Rosaries: here’s their Lourdes Rosary, and their Immaculate Heart Rosary. They’re so well made and really beautiful. If you sign up for The Collection, you’ll get a 15% off promo code to use with West Coast Catholic.
+ Here are a few beautiful pieces I shared in this week’s Catholic Wife, Catholic Life Collection, which you can sign up for here.
When you sign up, you’ll get immediate access to this week’s Collection and all Collections shared this month. And since it’s the last week of July, it’s the last chance to receive any of the Collections shared in July. If you wait and sign up in August, you will only begin receiving what’s shared in August, so if you are interested in anything you’ve seen shared this month, sign up here.
+ “Beauty exists in great cathedrals and works of art, drawing our yearning towards heaven. Yet it also exists in the simple beauty of the flower. God has gifted us a unique opportunity to know Him more deeply through the admiration of the work of His hands. What we cannot see in God we can see in His creation.” — Emily Malloy, Theology of the Home
+ “Hope is not wishful thinking… When we talk about hope — the theological virtue of hope that was infused in us in our baptism — and that continues to grow as we immerse more deeply into it… Hope says that God is faithful to His promises and that Heaven is our home. This is why we have to know scripture not just intellectually but in our hearts, because what salvation history is is God telling us over and over again — who He is and who we are. Whatever is happening in our lives right now – for every single one of us, it is not the end of our story. It is not the end. I have a wonderful spiritual director and he often reminds me that suffering and sorrow — those things have an expiration date, but Love never does. Love is always preceded, Love is now, and Love always will be.” — Sr. Miriam James Heidland
+ About St. Mary Magdalene recognizing Jesus. // “It is not for the flock of sheep to know the pasture the Shepherd has in mind. It is for them simply to follow Him.” — Elisabeth Elliot
+ “The priest at Mass this morning said something that struck my heart, “Notice that Mary was weeping at the empty tomb when she encountered the Risen Jesus. Sometimes tears are the best lenses through which to see Christ.” It is in the seasons of grief and the journey through the Valley of Tears that I’ve come to see Christ in a whole new way. Through the tears, I’ve seen the infinite tenderness of His Most Sacred Heart more clearly. Through the tears, I’ve seen His healing power at work as the Divine Physician. Through the tears, I’ve seen the strength of His arm as He holds me in comfort… The Lord is there with those who are weeping at that empty tomb. He is close to the broken-hearted, and He is doing something new. He invites you to seek Him — He wants you to fall into His sweet embrace and cling to the hope that springs forth from this grave. He brings light out of darkness. He transforms sorrow into joy. He turns graves into gardens.” — Meaghan Osborne
+ “We can sometimes wrestle to perceive God’s will at work in our lives. The human heart often seeks to comprehend before it can submit. And yet how often it is only in hindsight that we can see with His infinite wisdom! Trust knows that God always intends my good.” — Sr. Faustina Maria Pia
+ “Don’t forget to live in the moment. As you’re praying for what the Lord has in store for you down the road, don’t forget that here and now He has grace for you and He has power for you to live as His disciple right now.” — Pete Burak
+ 7 Things to Bless with your Holy Water // Here’s a Holy Water spritzer to use 🙂
+ “Beauty fills our hearts with a longing for the eternal beauty of God.” — Dieterich von Hildebrand
+ Here’s what’s featured in this week’s Catholic Wife, Catholic Life Collection, which you can still access if you sign up today! 🌷 You can sign up here. When you sign up, you get immediate access to this week’s Collection — and all Collections shared this month.