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Here are this week’s must-reads:

+ “That your plan is better than anything else. Jesus, I trust in You.” — Sr. Faustina Maria Pia, The Litany of Trust

+ “If St. John Paul II’s words are true—“we are the Easter people, and ‘Alleluia!’ is our song”—then being Easter people means we are Good Friday people, too. To know resurrection, we must know (death). I believe God intended the narrative of Jesus’ death and (resurrection) to be extrapolated to your life and mine. We can find hope in Jesus’ Easter story and we can find healing in our own Easter stories as we embrace the resurrection to be found where one life ends and a new one begins.” — Hope Heals

+ “The Resurrection is the expression of God’s faithfulness… That nothing that belongs to God will ever go to waste. What belongs to God will never be lost… Leave the (questions of) whys, wheres, hows, and whens behind, and simply trust.” — Henri Nouwen

+ “Hold on still. Because Hope will not disappoint. He is waiting for each of us at that empty tomb. Waiting to ask us, too…”why are you weeping? Who is it you are looking for?” He too has a hopeful heart that longs for our answer. I think it’s my favorite line in the Easter gospels. Probably because it’s so easy to put myself in the scene. After any disappointment, problem, heartache, grief…I need to hear that question again: “Why are you weeping? Who is it you’re looking for?” Because in spite of the hurt-of-the-moment, whatever, Whoever it is I’m looking for…it’s always Him.” — Sr. Julia

+ “Feeling “in-between” or unsure does not mean our faith has flickered out or that God has left us alone. ⁣On the contrary, it may just mean that God is doing something new. He certainly was on Holy Saturday.⁣ So instead of losing hope, we approach these moments with a new watchfulness. We pause with wonder at the quiet… ⁣At the edge of the tomb of our old life, we patiently await the new life God has in store.”⁣ — Unleash the Gospel

Here are some pieces featured in this week’s Collection, my weekly newsletter that shares liturgical home decor and fashion finds with exclusive promo codes to help you save money.  Everything featured is under $60. 

When you sign up, you get instant access to all the Collections I’ve shared in March — they’re only available until Friday. Sign up here for all the Collections and all the promo codes! Some of the promo codes are ones you won’t find anywhere else! Up to 30% off some of my favorite Catholic businesses.

Sign up for The Collection here.

+ “Jesus last words were not “It is finished.” He actually had one final thing left to say: “Into Your hands, I commit my spirit.” Everything is only finished when everything is entrusted into God’s hands.” — Ann Voskamp

+ “It is possible to have a life that doesn’t appear fruitful to the world, but is faithful to God. This is (the Cross). The Cross looks like failure, but is the greatest act of faithfulness which has led to incalculable fruitfulness.” — Rich Villodas

+ “Those who sincerely say “Jesus, I trust in You” will find comfort in all their anxieties and fears.” — St. John Paul II speaking on Divine Mercy

Here are the Fashion Finds in this week’s Collection!

Sign up for The Collection here.