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Here are this week’s must-reads:
+ “Saint John Paul II called the Eucharist the sacrament of the bridegroom and the bride. The Eucharist is a wedding feast. You walk down the aisle towards Jesus the bridegroom just like a bride walks to her groom. When the priest says “the body of Christ,” and we say, “Amen,” we’re essentially saying, “I do…” — Jackie Angel
+ The Solemnity of the Sacred Heart is this Friday and the feast of the Immaculate Heart of Mary is this Saturday. That’s why I included a few of these pieces in this week’s Catholic Wife, Catholic Life Collection, which you can sign up for it here. When you sign up, you’ll get immediate access to this week’s Collection as well as all the Collections that have gone out this month. You’ll also get a 25% off promo code to this statue of Our Lady of the Blessed Sacrament…
+ “As to persons living in the world, they shall find in this devotion (to the Sacred Heart) all the aids necessary in their state of life: peace in their homes, consolation in their work, the blessing of heaven upon all their enterprises, comfort in their sorrows, a secure refuge during life and especially at the hours of death…” — St. Margaret Mary Alacoque
+ “The Eucharist is the sacrament of love.” — St. Thomas Aquinasl
+ “God determined that marriage should be a path to holiness and sanctity in life. Therefore, we are to expect seasons in marriage — ups and downs in marriages… Fr. Wade Menezes defined marriage as an imperfect man and an imperfect woman who absolutely refuse to give up on one another.” — Johnette Benkovic
+ “The moment you said “I do,” your spouse became “the right person.” — Ashley and Dave Willis
+ “Your vocation can never become your identity. Here’s why: The primary vocation of every Christian is, as the Catechism of the Catholic Church states, vocation to beatitude — the call to holiness. Within that call, some of us have a call to married life… We also might have a call to a specific type of work… These vocations are good. They are important. Any work that comes from God is worth pursuing… But none of these vocations — even the call to marriage and motherhood — is the thing from which we should derive our identity or worth… I am a daughter of God (first). It’s a more difficult concept for me to grasp than “I am a mother” or “I am an editor.” But it’s the identity that I need to cling to. My achievements and accomplishments aren’t what make me worthy of love or give me my dignity, and neither is my husband or our daughter. I was made in the image and likeness of a God who loves me with a love “that surpasses knowledge.” He calls me to holiness, to eternal life with him.” — Taryn DeLong
+ “The Visitation teaches me how to be a better woman to other women. The fruit of the Mystery of the Visitation is love of neighbor, and we see this so beautifully in Mary and Elizabeth. Mary went to Elizabeth to see for herself what Gabriel told her about her. She stayed for the remainder of Elizabeth’s pregnancy. Elizabeth welcomed Mary into her home. I like to think that she took care of Mary as much as Mary took care of her…. As women, we have a special way of showing hospitality. We know how to make ourselves gifts and allow new life to flourish in our home. When I reflect on the Visitation, I try to follow Mary and Elizabeth’s example of pure, self-giving love to each other. They inspire me to be more humble, to have a heart for service, and to be generous with my love.” — Madeline Rose
+ “Beauty is an invitation. It invites people to turn to God as the loving Creator and source of all lasting joy… Beauty reminds us that there is a God—a good and loving God—and that this life is only the journey to being with Him forever. Through beauty, we can even now taste a part of that eternal joy. So spread beauty, and let it serve as an invitation to others to encounter God!” — Seek what is above // “This world in which we live needs beauty in order not to sink into despair.” — Pope Paul VI
+ “Each day as we take in the truth of God’s Word, we take in Jesus. And the truth we take in is preparing us for every single thing He sees coming our way. He knows. He cares. And He wants us to be fully prepared. Today, let’s be sure we “taste and see that the Lord is good” (Psalm 34:8). — Lysa Terkeurst
+ Here’s a look at a home altar for June
+ Here’s what’s featured in this week’s
Catholic Wife, Catholic Life Collection,
which you can still access if you sign up today! 🌷
When you sign up, you get immediate access to this week’s Collection and all Collections shared this June.