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Here are this week’s must-reads:
+ Our next novena over at Pray More Novenas starts this Friday and it’s one of our favorites: the St. Anne Novena! You probably know this story by now: I met John-Paul soon after I finished praying the St. Anne Novena ten years ago! It was the first novena I had ever prayed.
+ “I am not my own. I have given myself to Jesus. He must be my only love.” – St. Kateri Tekawitha
+ I wrote a little bit here about how I like to be open to God’s surprises, even in the smallest of ways! I think it helps me to be open to His surprises in the bigger ways.
+ The Holiness and Examples of Sts. Louis & Zelie Martin (the parents of St. Therese of Lisieux!)
+ I’ve spent some time thinking about how we sometimes need to intentionally look for how our husbands or other family members are loving us — because sometimes it can be in such small ways that we might otherwise miss it if we’re not looking for it. I wrote a little bit about that here. It’s easy to get caught up in seeing big romantic gestures that some are doing and feel like we’re not being loved in such grand ways — but the smaller ways, the everyday ways of love, add up! And they happen more often 😉
+ A Catholic Introverts Guide to Evangelization – so funny and perfect, haha.
+ The Catholic Birth Directory — this is new! And so cool.
+ I was really moved by this story of a priest administering last rites a driver after a deadly car crash.
+ Here’s a fundraiser I’ve been sharing for a family who is getting treatment for a very rare condition for their little girl. Please pray for this family, for this little girl, and consider helping or sharing this post if you can!
🌸 As always, here are a few pictures of what’s included in this week’s Catholic Wife, Catholic Life Newsletter!
I share this newsletter every Monday and it always includes two gluten-free recipes, a reflection & prayer based on Sunday’s Mass Readings, and links to budget-friendly fashion & home decor.