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Here are this week’s must-reads:
+ “It’s not so much about what we’re doing as it’s about who we’re doing it with. Staying awake to the presence of God is ultimately just staying in the presence of God... He wants us to spend time with Him so that we know his voice and so we can be attuned and alert to His presence and spirit so that when it moves in the tiniest and most minuscule ways we can respond.” — Matt Maher
+ “God wants to use everything in the holiday season to call your heart to praise and worship Him.” (Mallory Smyth) That includes all the hustle & bustle in this season — the decorating, or baking, or wrapping. “These things don’t have to be an impediment to our faith (though of course, sometimes they are), but it can be an invitation to worship right where we are.” A chance to recognize His presence in each of these moments. ✨
Here’s a look at what’s featured in this week’s Collection, which you can still access if you sign up here. This is the LAST CHANCE to sign up for The Collection for only $3/month (which is less than $1/week). On Friday, the price goes up to $5/month. The exclusive promo codes you get when you sign up will help you save more than you spend to sign up. The promo codes included this week could save you more than $109 on items I shared.
+ “The whole of our life must be an “advent” — a vigilant awaiting of the final coming of Christ.” — St. John Paul II
+ “The Lord is coming, always coming. When you have ears to hear and eyes to see, you will recognize him at any moment of your life. Life is Advent; life is recognizing the coming of the Lord.” – Henri Nouwen
+ “The household of Jesus, Mary and Joseph became a ‘home away from home’ for the eternal Son of God. It was an outpost of heaven, an image of the Trinity in the world. ‘We may say,’ said St. Francis de Sales, ‘that the Holy Family was a trinity on earth which in a certain way represented the Blessed Trinity itself.’” — Scott Hahn
+ “My priest, who is from Kenya, in his homily yesterday said to us, “In my country there is a proverbial saying which goes: Don’t pray for the rains until you’ve cultivated the fields.” The point of the saying is that you need to prepare first in order to receive the blessings you ask for well. A perfect saying for Advent.” — The Catholic Pilgrim
+ “May our lives, and the way that we love, always point to Jesus… (like St. John the Baptist).” — HT Diocese
+ “The secret of Joy is Christ in me – not me in a different set of circumstances.” Elisabeth Elliot
+ “Our guardian angels are our most faithful friends, because they are with us day and night, always and everywhere. We ought often to (ask for their prayers).” — St. John Vianney
Here’s a look at what’s featured in this week’s Collection. Sign up for it here!