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Here are this week’s must-reads:
+ Did you know? The word “Rosary” actually comes from the word “Rose,” which is why I included a beautiful rose in this week’s Collection. It has great reviews and Fall is a great time to plant them 🙂 It’s one way you could celebrate the Blessed Mother’s birthday this Friday! Speaking of which, I had Mary’s birthday in mind when I put together this week’s Collection, so I included many pieces of decor and dresses that I think would be perfect to celebrate her feast day — or many of her others throughout the year. Here are a few of them:
When you sign up for The Collection, you get immediate access to this week’s Collection and all the exclusive promo codes you get for signing up — including a 25% off promo code for that floral Mary statue above 🙂 You can sign up here.
+ Here’s the great story about St. Anne and St. Joachim, and how they learned about Mary: “The amazing thing about the parents of Mary is they both receive a simultaneous vision of Gabriel, and they both believe. How fitting is it then that their daughter would be — “Blessed is She who believed,” the mother of Faith. Saints make saints. This is a married couple that loved each other so deeply, that loved the Lord so deeply in their marriage…”
+ “Saint Gianna’s daily life *in addition to* her heroic sacrifice was a big reason why she became a saint! Do not overlook the daily little mundane duties and sacrifices that God has asked of you. In those times, you are being trained in the school of love. A school that may one day see you graduated to the heights of heaven…” — Jen
+ “I tend towards running after grand things, wanting a very apparently romantic and externally purposeful life. And the lesson I continue to learn is that even those “grand” things in life quickly become empty and unfulfilling when they aren’t filled with love just the same as the smallest of tasks. It is love. Love breathes life into and brings deep purpose to the simplest, most repetitive tasks we are faced with…” — Anna Kreslins
+ “What God says a Christ-focused marriage should look like: 1) “Bear each other’s burdens.” (Galatians 6:2). 2) Be quick to listen, slow to speak (James 1:19). 3) Serve each other without expecting anything in return. (Galatians 5:13) 4) Forgive one another. (James 2:13-18) — Brittany Dawn Nelson
+ “Become what you’re asking for in your spouse. Do you want a kind spouse? Be kind. Do you want a patient spouse? Be patient. Do you want a spouse with a prayer life? Have a prayer life.” — here
+ “Trust. Wait. Pray. Listen. Be still. Trust some more. And here is your strength: in quietness and trust. // Jesus, help us to wait with hope, and trust.” — CFR
+ “We all desire to make our home feel comfortable and reflect our inner self to the outer world. For Catholics, we use this as an opportunity to go a step further by boldly sharing our faith through art and our home-culture. It is evangelism at a level that teaches and nourishes the faith.” — House of Joppa
+ Here are a few beautiful pieces I shared in this week’s Catholic Wife, Catholic Life Collection, which you can sign up for here. When you sign up, you get immediate access to this week’s Collection.