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Here are this week’s must-reads:
+ “Mary shows us the way to God, the way to heaven, the way to life.” — JP II
+ “The Assumption reminds us that Mary’s life, like that of every Christian, is a journey of following — following Jesus, a journey that has a very precise destination… full communion with God.” — Pope Benedict XVI
+ Here are a few beautiful pieces I shared in this week’s section of Home Decor in the Catholic Wife, Catholic Life Collection, which you can sign up for here. By the way, we celebrate the feast of the Queenship of the Blessed Mother today — which is why I included a few of these pieces in this week’s Collection.
The Collection is an exclusive email that you get every Monday. You can also access it after the fact as a blog post there! When you sign up for it, you get immediate access to this week’s Collection and the others shared this month. Next week is the last week to sign up to access all of August’s Collections. Sign up here!
+ “As I worked with flowers today I found myself wondering if Mary was a flower maker. Did she have a garden of her own? Did she pick wildflowers in the fields of Nazareth for her table? Did she bring her neighbors bouquets of fresh blooms?… I may not know whether not Mary was a florist on earth, but I bet you she’s the florist of heaven, weaving together a crown of beautiful flowers to place on each one of us… in the house of God.” — Jana Zuniga
+ “Be present in the season that God has prepared for you according to his purpose. Chances are if you’d rather be elsewhere, it is right where he means for you to be. Seedlings grow to their fullest potential only after they are transplanted from their place of comfort. But rest in the reality that the soil that’s best for your growth is different from another’s soil. God, the master gardener, knows what each of his little flowers need to grow.” — Emily Malloy
+ “My friend passed on some advice she had received. She told me to… give it (all) to Mary. She said Mary will take all the tangles, all the thorns, arrange them like flowers in a bouquet, and present them to God for me. She told me: give it to Mary, because Mary makes all things beautiful for God, and God makes all things beautiful for her. ” — Kendra Tierney
+ “Grief changes and matures as we travel this life, but it never leaves you. It doesn’t define us, it refines us.” — Mary Lenaburg
+ “Jesus’ love for us is the example of love we should have for our spouse…Love that has to be earned isn’t really love because it’s conditional. God showed us that love is unconditional…” — Rosie // “When (two people marry), the idea is ‘happily ever after’ but it’s really ‘reconciliation ever after’ and ‘forgiveness ever after.'”
+ Here’s some inspiration of a prayer space at home. // “It all depends on having a quiet little corner where you can talk to God on a daily basis as if nothing else existed…” — St. Edith Stein
+ Here are a few beautiful pieces I shared in this week’s Catholic Wife, Catholic Life Collection, which you can sign up for here. When you sign up, you get immediate access to this week’s Collection!