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Here are this week’s must-reads:
+ “This week we pray for all who are in a season of waiting. As we approach Advent, each of us waits with joyful anticipation of Jesus’ birth. We too may be waiting for something for ourselves, or praying for a loved one who is waiting. Let us join together in prayer and thanksgiving for this season, knowing that while the waiting can be difficult, there is so much beauty and grace that comes in every season of waiting.” — SoulCore
Here’s a look at what’s featured in this week’s Collection, which you can still access if you sign up here. The exclusive promo codes included in The Collections this month could save you $200. Sign up for The Collection here. Note: Last Chance! This month’s Collections are only available until Friday!
+ “At every time and in every place, God draws closer to man.” — CCC 1
+ “We must not forget the type of King we worship. We must not forget the Crown of Thorns. We must not forget the Cross.” — Little Way Design Co.
+ “Scripture tells us Mary experienced unimaginable suffering. It also tells us she was “full of grace.” God gives us everything we need to do everything He wants us to do. We just have to receive it.” — Taryn DeLong
+ “A prayer for the week ahead: Lord, help us get done what actually needs to be done, to surrender what should be left undone, and to worship you in our little moments. Amen.” — Well Watered Women
+ “A grateful heart is not the result of everything going as planned; rather, it is the foundation that brings peace when things don’t go as planned, knowing that the ways of the Father are trustworthy & good.” — Cleerely
+ “Beauty is quietly woven through our ordinary days… Everywhere there is tenderness, care, and kindness, there is beauty.” — John O’Donohue
Here’s a look at what’s featured in this week’s Collection. Sign up for it here!