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Here are this week’s must-reads:
+ “Father Solanus Casey said thank God ahead of time. I used to think (that was) because you’re so confident he’s going to answer your prayers, (but) not necessarily. We thank God ahead of time not because we’re confident he’ll give us what we want, but because we’re confident whatever he does is good.” — Jessica Hanna
+ “God loves each of us individually. He died for each of us individually. And He identifies with each of us individually. He sees Himself in us. So much so, that when we suffer, He, in some mysterious way, suffers too.” – from Endow’s study on Salvifici Doloris.
+ “Family life is a profound embodiment of the paschal mystery. There are seasons of life – where everything just works and life flows. It is easy to proclaim the goodness of God. Then there are barren seasons where life is a grind and everything feels difficult. They can be painful seasons, marked by suffering and even death.
“So often this cycle overlaps, never cleanly dying or rising, but all happening at the same time it can seem. Moments of joy and moments of challenge. The only way to make sense of it all is hope – not a superstitious or unsure hope – but a solid hope built on the foundation of Christ. A hope that flows from trust in his death and resurrection and that the grace won there is sufficient for all seasons. Hope that we are united and close to Jesus in our suffering and that even our moments of joy pale when compared to what lies ahead.” — Joel Stepanek
+ “The Eucharist is a place where we can go to experience a love that is changeless. God’s love for us in perfect and it never changes. And as we enter into it more and more completely, the mystery and the beauty of it is that we change.” — Sr. Kathryn James Hermes, FSP // The Pray More Eucharistic Retreat begins tomorrow!
+ “Jesus wants to dwell deep within your heart. All it takes is a simple prayer to invite him in again and again and again. “Grow Jesus, grow in my heart.” This was the simple prayer of St. Bernadette of Lourdes. A prayer that we can make, too.” — Given Institute
Here’s a look at what’s included in this week’s Collection, my weekly newsletter that shares liturgical home decor and fashion finds with exclusive promo codes to help you save money. ⭐ Everything featured is under $60.⭐ Sign up here!
When you sign up, you get instant access to all 3 Collections I’ve shared in April along with a long list of promo codes to some of my favorite Catholic businesses, up to 30% off. 💕💕💕 Sign up here for the Collection and all the promo codes!
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+ “The deeper our love for God’s Word grows, the more we start seeing life through the lens of scripture.” — here
+ One of the ways we can train ourselves to see God’s hand in our lives is to look around and recognize what we’re grateful for that day. That past week or the last year. Every good thing comes from Him. We may not always see it in the present moment — sometimes, it’s easier to see in retrospect. But looking for God, being grateful for any good or beautiful thing today, can change our hearts and help us endure. — here
+ “From Mary, we learn to surrender to God’s Will in all things. From Mary, we learn to trust even when all hope seems gone. From Mary, we learn to love Christ her Son and the Son of God!” — St. John Paul II
+ “God made us for communion and the devil is always working against that. God wants communion and the devil wants isolation. So I think it’s one of the great lies that the world is always telling us – that we don’t belong, we don’t fit in, we’re not like other people. There’s this great quote from James Baldwin where he talks about how he felt like his struggles were the worst he’s ever had and then he started reading, and he connected with Dostoevsky and Dickens and he realized, “I belong to these people – we belong to each other.'” — Emily Stimpson-Chapman
+ “Let us run with everything to God with humility, cast ourselves without reserve into His arms, and He will assist and strengthen us according to our needs. In Him we can do all things.” — St. Jane Frances de Chantal
Here are the Fashion Finds in this week’s Collection!