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+ “Your yes, given years or decades ago, has to be ever reaffirmed to the Lord. This requires a daily, profound listening to the mystery of the always greater God and a daily responding to his love. Only he is able to keep the gift of vocation alive in you. Only he is able, through his Spirit, to overcome the weakness experienced time and again. Also Mary’s yes, which she spoke in a unique decision, had to be unceasingly repeated by her until she was standing beneath the cross, where she offered her Son and became our Mother. He who wanted Mary’s yes for the cooperation in salvation, also wants your yes… Say it every day anew! That it will also be said to you: “Blessed are you because you have believed.” — St. John Paul II
+ When St. John Paul II’s mom passed away, his dad took him on a pilgrimage to a shrine in Kalwaria. There, he showed young St. JP II (Karol Józef Wojtyła) an image of Jesus’ Mother and said, “You have lost your mother. But you will never lose this Mother. She will always be with you.” — read here
+ “We all have that one treasured family recipe that gets passed down from generation to generation. It is part of the family’s tapestry and love, and we know it works! Isn’t that what the rosary is? A treasured recipe passed down passed down to us and it’s now our job to pass it on.” – Many Hail Marys at a Time
+ Don’t miss this week’s Catholic Wife, Catholic Life Collection, featuring many beautiful Marian pieces for the month of May! Here are a few of my favorites this week… That’s a Baptismal Cross! Sign up here for all the details!
+ “Do you know what the very first novena was? It was the Holy Spirit Novena when Jesus asked His disciples to pray in anticipation of when He would send down the Holy Spirit at Pentecost. That time of prayer was nine days long, leading up to Pentecost, which fell on the tenth day. “Pentecost” comes from the Greek word meaning “fiftieth” and Jesus ascended into heaven forty days after Easter…” — read more here
+ “Connecting our faith to whether or not God answers our prayers when and how we want is shaky ground. We must attach our hope and our affection firmly to who God is… not to what we want Him to do. Only then will we have hearts that are settled and secure.” — Lysa Terkeurst
+ “Constant prayer is the deep assurance within my heart that God is in charge, and I have no need to worry. That’s what it means to pray continually, because prayer is union with God.” — Mother Angelica
+ A prayer for the month of May: “Lord, be close to give your comfort.”
+ “Every day, choose to be grateful for your spouse (even on the difficult days). If you treat your spouse like a gift, then your marriage will become a gift to you both.” — Stronger Marriages
+ “When people fall in love with Jesus, they fall in love with the Church, they fall more deeply in love with their spouse if they’re married, with the concept of family life, with the saints—with all of it. Catholics are sitting on a virtual goldmine that can help them in their marriage and family life…” — Debbie Herbeck
+ “The comparison game is so dangerous to a happy marriage. It’s especially dangerous when we use social media as the measuring stick of how our husband should treat us. A post showing a surprise weekend getaway planned exclusively by a husband. Stories showing a husband bringing home her favorite candy and flowers. Other wives being sent out of the house to shop and get coffee while the husbands watch the kids. Little snippets into all these various lives soon looks like every other wife is married to a man who constantly treats, pampers and spoils her. Suddenly (our husbands) stops measuring up. We become resentful… I challenge us to really look at our husbands today and find the ways they’re showing his love. Because there are many ways!…” — Ginnie, Laetare Life
+ Here’s what’s featured in this week’s
Catholic Wife, Catholic Life Collection,
which you can still access if you sign up today! 🌷