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Here are this week’s must-reads:
+ “Our hearts are restless until they rest in Him.” — St. Augustine
+ “My sweetest joy is to be in the presence of Jesus in the holy Sacrament.” — St. Katherine Drexel
+ Here are a few beautiful pieces I shared in this week’s section of Home Decor in the Catholic Wife, Catholic Life Collection, which you can sign up for here. This is the last week you can access all of the August Collections, so if you’ve been interested in anything you’ve seen here, sign up before Thursday 🙂
The Collection is an exclusive curated email that you get every Monday including a long list of promo codes to some of my favorite Catholic businesses (including an exclusive 25% off code for that Last Supper sculpture above) . When you sign up for it, you get immediate access to this week’s Collection and the others shared this month.
+ Here’s a great — and simple — example of how to set your dining table and make it a prayerful space.
+ “When Ruth went into the field of her relative, she wasn’t looking for a whole new life. She was looking for enough food for herself and her mother-in-law for that day. She did the right thing in that moment, trusting that God would provide. And He did—not only that day’s bread… but more than she could have asked for or imagined.
“How often do we go searching for scraps from God when He desires to bless us abundantly, extravagantly? Today, I challenge you to believe in a future that is better than you can imagine, and to participate in the gift by faithfully attending to the work that is presented to you today. Wait in joyful hope—His plan lies ahead.” — Elizabeth Blanke
+ “Here are two things we stopped caring about in our marriage that brought us closer: 1) “Winning” arguments. 2) Comparing ourselves to other couples.” — Hannah Cases
+ “Sacrifice is the only way that humans can imitate the interior life of the Trinity. For God is love, and the essence of love is life-giving.” — Scott Hahn
+ “Your marriage will not be restored overnight. But you can take a step in the direction of restoration today. Let me suggest that your first step is not an action toward your spouse but rather an expression of faith toward God: HE can restore your marriage into something you never thought possible… Believe God can change it and turn to him.” — Marriage Restoration
+ The Novena for Marriage & Family begins on Wednesday, August 30th. We’re praying through the Blessed Mother’s intercession, leading up to the feast of her birthday.
+ “Everything in the spiritual life changes when you begin to comprehend – even only slightly – the depths of His love for you… When you start to sense that you enter into prayer not simply to contemplate Him, but to allow Him to contemplate you… This is the secret of the spiritual life – His endless, fathomless love for you.” — The Contemplative Homemaker
+ “Prayer is being with someone I know loves me.” — St. Teresa of Avila
+ “Jesus himself… often spends the whole night in prayer, goes out to the desert or hills to pray and tells us when we pray not to be “overly wordy” in the hopes that God will only hear us if we pray with many words. The implication here is that prayer is not just about speaking to God or thinking about God, but that real deep prayer is a way of being with God and perhaps the most profound way to “be with God” is in silence, with little or no words.” — Fr. Jeremiah, CFR
+ Here are a few beautiful pieces I shared in this week’s Catholic Wife, Catholic Life Collection, which you can sign up for here. When you sign up, you get immediate access to this week’s Collection and all the Collections I’ve shared this month.