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Here are this week’s must-reads:

+ We started the St. Therese Novena on Tuesday! You can still join us – it’s okay to start late 🙂 Be sure to scroll down to see the St. Therese home decor pieces I picked out for this week’s newsletter!

+ “Be not afraid to tell Jesus that you love Him; even though it be without feeling, this is the way to oblige Him to help you, and carry you like a little child too feeble to walk.” — St. Therese

+ “As hard as it may be to believe, Jesus is drawn to our brokenness because of His great love for us. He isn’t selfish, nor prideful. He is powerful, generous, and cares for you.”

+ “The most beautiful act of faith is the one made in darkness, in sacrifice, and with extreme effort.” — Padre Pio

+ “To say “saw” of Thérèse—she “saw” God’s redeeming love—risks falsifying Thérèse’s witness. Often, for years on end, she saw nothing; she looked for her beloved, and no one appeared. It is wrong to imagine that Thérèse constantly experienced burning ardor, eyes afire with vision, faith alive with sight. She didn’t. She spent years in darkness, seeing what you and I see, ordinary things, and of God, nothing at all. Faith is not a feeling, not even a feeling of devotion, not an ardor. It is often, so far as ordinary sentiments go, an emptiness, an aridity, a dry torment, a mind jumbled with distraction, directionless, unfeeling. Faith is a calm and feelingless redirecting of mind and will toward the unseen love, notable more for its steadiness and willingness to go on acting just as it would if it had been carried along by transports of joy, instead of being left bereft of signs and comforts. Only in that way can faith be tested for truth, steadfastness, and authenticity. Only in that way is it shown to be the real thing.” — read here

+ “It is good and right to allow the saints to inspire us to greater holiness. We must simply be careful that we seek above all to imitate Christ, as it is to him that the saints ultimately point us, like sign posts along the road. And above all, we must learn to be content with who we are, cultivating the unique gifts that the good God has given us in his abundant love.” – Sam Guzman over at Catholic Gentlemen

+ I think it’s a human inclination to ask, “Why?” when we’re faced with great suffering. But Kerry Walsh gives us a better question to ask… She writes: “Sometimes the more helpful (question) is this: Where? Where am I being called by this suffering? Where can I find a supportive community? Where is God in all of this?” — read here

+ The paradox of living in unity with the cross of Christ

+ “The Goodness of Work:” God called men and women to work. It is not simply a cause of the Fall that we have to work. Rather, it is “a fundamental dimension of our human existence” (See John Paul II’s Encyclical on Human Work). Work allows man to be a co-creator with God. It is an expression of our human dignity that we have the ability to create, to build, to invent, to make, and to repair. In fact, it is easy to see how important work is when someone loses a job or retires. There is a sense of pride and purpose which comes from our work.

+ “Collecting worst-case scenarios doesn’t protect me. It only projects the possible pain of tomorrow into my today and feeds more fear.”Lysa T.

+ “Make the chili”

+ “The most beautiful act of faith is the one made in darkness, in sacrifice, and with extreme effort.” — Padre Pio

 As always, here are a few pictures of what’s included in this week’s 
Catholic Wife, Catholic Life Newsletter

I share this newsletter every Monday and it always includes two gluten-free recipes, a reflection & prayer based on Sunday’s Mass Readings, and links to budget-friendly fashion & home decor.

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